Free Marshmallow Unicorn Crochet Pattern

Free Marshmallow Unicorn Crochet Pattern-2
We start the day with a plush unicorn crochet pattern called Marshmallow. Good morning to all of you, my friends. This cute plush crochet unicorn you see will be 30-32 cm in size when completed. To make such a large crochet unicorn, the designer uses a 4.5mm crochet hook with himalayan dolphin babay plush yarn. Of course, you can choose the colors of your thread according to your own preference. After making all the parts of the unicorn separately step by step, you fix them all. Of course, I will try to help you with the detailed photos of the crochet unicorn pattern. I translated this free unicorn crochet pattern myself so please forgive me if there are any mistakes. I would like to help you.

Free Marshmallow Crochet Unicorn Pattern

Designer: zefirka.vlg

Necessary materials:

1. Yarn Himalaya Dolphin Baby 363 – 1.5 skeins of the main color (consumption may be more due to the density and method of knitting, so take it with a reserve), 334 – 1 skein for hooves, curls in the mane and tail, a little yarn for the mane and tail (about 1/3) 305, Wolans Bunny Baby – 11 (or 306 Himalaya Dolphin Baby), YarnArt Dolce 750, for the eyes YarnArt JEANS 53, or floss for the horn 07;
2. Filler – synthetic ball;
3. I use hook number 4.5, you can choose any one convenient for you (4-5). The knitting should be fine, but not very tight;
4. Needle, scissors and good mood!


MR- Magic ring
Slst- Slip stitch
Inc- Increase
Dec- Decrease
Hdc- Half double crochet
Ch- Chain


1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc sc (12)
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*6 (18)
4. (2 sc, inc sc)*6 (24)
5. (3 sc, inc sc)*6 (30)
6. 30 sc
7. (4 sc, inc sc)*6 (36)
8-9. 36 sc
10. (5 sc, inc sc)*6 (42)
11. (6 sc, inc sc)*6 (48)
12-17. 48 sc
18. (6 sc, dec sc)*6 (42)
19. (5 sc, dec sc)*6 (36)
20. (4 sc, dec sc)*6 (30), We begin to fiber fill it with filling.
21. (3 sc, dec sc)*6 (24)
22. (2 sc, dec sc)*6 (18)
23. (1 sc, dec sc)*6 (12)
24. 6 dec, finish with filler. Tighten the hole with a needle.
We embroider the eyes between 10-15 rows, between the eyes 10-13 sc.
We embroider the nostrils between 4-6 rows.



1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 sc
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*3 (9)
4. 9 sc
5. (2 sc, inc sc)*3 (12)
6. (3 sc, inc sc)*3 (15)
7. (4 sc, inc sc)*3 (18)
8-10. 18 sc
11. (1 sc, dec sc)*6 (12)
Fold the ears in half, crochet 6 sc on both walls.
Fold it again, crochet 3 sc on both walls.
Sew at eye level, approximately 1-2 sc higher.



1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc. Next we knit the rows behind the back half-loop.
3. 12 sc
4. (3 sc, inc sc)*3 (15)
5. (4 sc, inc sc)*3 (18)
6. 18 sc
7. (5 sc, inc sc)*3 (21)
8-11. 21 sc
12. We crochet this row as usual, for both loops – 21 sc, slst. Leave the thread for sewing.

To make it as plush:

1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 sc. Next we knit the rows behind the back half-loop
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*3 (9)
4. (2 sc, inc sc)*3 (12)
5-8. 12 sc
8. We knit this row as usual, for both loops – 12 sc, slst. Leave the thread for sewing.
The horn needs to be well stuffed.
Sew between the ears, slightly pushing the horn forward towards the muzzle.

Tail (8pcs):

Leave a tail of 7-10 cm.
Make on 21 ch, turn, 19 inc hdc, in the last loop 1 sc, 1 slst.
Leave the thread for sewing.

Mane (12 pcs):

Leave a tail of 7-10 cm.
Make on 41 ch, turn, 39 inc hdc, in the last loop 1 sc, 1 slst.
Leave a tail for sewing.

tail and mane

Lower legs:

We begin to crochet hooves, color 334.
1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc sc (12)
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*6 (18)
4. (2 sc, inc sc)*6 (24)
5. (3 sc, inc sc)*6 (30)
6. 30 sc. Change color to main.
7. BLO: 30 sc
8. 30 sc
9. (3 sc, dec sc)*6 (24)
10-11. 24 sc
12. (2 sc, dec sc)*6 (18)
13-17. 18 sc
18. (1 sc, dec sc)*6 (12)
19-23. 12 sc
24. Crochet 4-6 sc for offset and close the foot with 6 sc, grabbing both walls of the leg. You need to stuff the foot well, but not until the 22-23rd row. Leave a tail for sewing.

lower legs

Upper legs:

We begin to crochet hooves, color 334.
1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc sc (12)
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*6 (18)
4. (2 sc, inc sc)*6 (24)
5. 24 sc. Change color to main.
6. BLO: 24 sc
7. 24 sc
8. (2 sc, dec sc)*6 (18)
9-10. 18 sc
11. (1 sc, dec sc)*6 (12)
12-16. 12 sc
17. (2 sc, dec sc)*3 (9)
18-20. 9 sc
21. To offset we crochet 4-5 sc, close the foot 4 sc, grabbing both walls of the leg.

upper legs


1. 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc sc (12)
3. (1 sc, inc sc)*6 (18)
4. (2 sc, inc sc)*6 (24)
5. (3 sc, inc sc)*6 (30)
6. (4 sc, inc sc)*6 (36)
7. (5 sc, inc sc)*6 (42)
8. (6 sc, inc sc)*6 (48)
9-13. 48 sc
14. (2 sc, dec sc)*6, 24 sc (42) – tummy
15-16. 42 sc
17. (1 sc, dec sc)*6, 24 sc (36) – tummy
The marker runs along the side.
18-19. 36 sc
20. (4 sc, dec sc)*6 (30)
21-22. 30 sc
23. (3 sc, dec sc)*6 (24)
24. 24 sc
25. (2 sc, dec sc)*6 (18)
26. 18 sc, slst.
We sew the lower legs between 11-12 rows.
We sew the upper legs between 23-24 rows.



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