Crochet Mushroom Keychain Free Pattern

Crochet Mushroom Keychain Free Pattern (2)
For those who enjoy crochet vegetables, I have a crochet keychain pattern just for you. This little crocheted mushroom keychain you see looks very cute and is very simple to make. It is a wonderful crochet keychain that you can quickly complete in just half an hour. You will first make the stem part of the crochet mushroom keychain, then the hat. You can then do as many dots on the mushroom as you want. Finally, you fix a keychain and the process is complete. Follow me for such easy-to-make and wonderful free crochet keychain patterns.

Crochet Mushroom Keychain

Designer: coastalcraftsbytessa


Crochet hook (6 mm)
Yarn (bernat blanket)
Sewing needle
Stitch marker


MR- Magic ring
Sc- Single crochet
Inc- Increase
Dec- Decrease
Slst- Slip stitch
BLO- Back loop only
FO- Fasten off
Ch- Chain
St- Stitch
BO- 3sc bobble


Stem (In tan)

Row 1. 6 sc in MR (6)
Row 2. sc around in BLO (6)
Row 3-5. sc around (6)
Row 6. inc x6 (12)
Row 7. (sc,inc)x6 (18)
Fasten off.

Cap (In red)

Row 1. 6 sc in MR (6)
Row 2. inc x6 (12)
Row 3. (sc,inc)x6 (18)
Row 4. Line up the cap and the stem and sc them together (18)
Slst into the first stitch and fasten off, stuffing is optional.
Use white yarn to embroider spots on the cap (I did 5).

Your crocheted mushroom keychain is ready, enjoy it.



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