Bunny Free Cute Pillow Crochet C2C Pattern

Bunny Free Cute Pillow Crochet C2C Pattern
We will make a cute bunny picture on crochet a pillow. Welcome, our dear followers. We will make a free crochet pillows pattern as a square and embroider a large white bunny on it. Read the designer notes to learn how to embroider the bunny.

Print out the template you see in the designer notes and have it with you at all times while you work. I recommend that you make the pillow in two colors. We will make the bunny white and start making the cute crochet pillow patterns from the bottom. We will start embroidering the bunny from the third row and complete it by following the template. Make and finish the back of the pillow. You can place it in the most beautiful corner of your home for decoration free easy crochet patterns. Visit our category to review more pillows.



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