Tricolor Free Crocheted Tank Top Pattern

Tricolor Free Crocheted Tank Top Pattern
Want to make a simple crochet tank top pattern more creative with small details? If you want to make a difference in your clothes, check out this pattern. The free tank top crochet pattern is made sleeveless. Learn how to make collar decorations by looking at the designer notes.

I recommend using three colors of thread in this pattern. After taking the exact measurement, we will work from bottom to tank top. We will leave gaps in the front collar part. The spaces will start small and be gradually enlarged by skipping one row at a time. It will take three stages for the gaps to reach their widest size. The dimensions of the subsequent spaces are the same. The back part of the crocheted tank top pattern is completed with straight stitch. When the two parts are ready, they are sewn from the sides free crochet pattern. You can wear it with clothes such as trousers and shorts. It’s a great outfit for evening outings.



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