Strawberry Crochet Bunny Free Amigurumi Pattern

Strawberry Crochet Bunny Free Amigurumi Pattern (2)
Today I present to you the plush and soft strawberry crochet bunny pattern. I hope you have a nice Sunday. This wonderful crochet plush bunny pattern is so easy to make that you can complete it today. Of course, if you have the materials on hand. The plush crochet bunny’s ears are as long as its body. It looks so cute like this. He has a huge strawberry in his hand. I prefer the white color on this bunny. I think you should make a white bunny too. The strawberry in your hand will look better this way. I’m sure it will be an amigurumi crochet bunny toy that children will love. Let’s prepare a nice surprise for them today.

Strawberry Crochet Bunny Pattern

Designer: crochet_with_lola


Chenille yarn in white, green and pink.
Pink cotton thread for the nose.
10mm safety eyes.
5mm hook or hook of size matching your yarn.
Darning needle and scissors.


MR: Magic ring
Sc: Single crochet
Ch: Chain
FLO: Front loop only
Inc: Increase
Dec: Decrease
Slst: Slip stitch
FO: Fasten off

Legs (make 2)

Start in white.
R1. 6 sc in MR (6)
R2. (2sc,inc)x2 (8)
R3. sc around (8)
Slst and FO the first leg only.
Repeat and make a second leg without fastening off. We will continue the body from here.


R4. ch 1, 8 sc in the first leg, 1 sc in the ch 1, 8 sc in the second leg (18)
R5. sc around (18)
R6. (2sc,inc)x6 (24)
R7-11. sc around (5 rounds)
R12. (2sc,dec)x6 (18)
Begin to stuff the body.
R13. (1sc,dec)x6 (12)
R14. FLO inc in every stitch (24)
R15. (3sc,inc)x6 (30)
R16-17. sc around (2 rounds)
R18. (3sc,dec)x6 (24)
R19. (3sc,dec)x6 (18)
Add the safety eyes between R16-R17, 4-5sts apart.
Add the nose between the eyes (2 sts long).
R20. (1sc,dec)x6 (12)
R21. dec around (6)
Finish stuffing, fo and sew close.

Ears (white)

Make 2.
R1. 6 sc in MR (6)
R2. (inc)x6 (12)
R3. (sc,inc)x6 (18)
R4-7. sc around (4 rounds)
R8. (sc,dec)x6 (12)
R9-11. sc around (3 rounds) (12)
R12. (4sc,dec)x2 (10)
R13-14. sc around (2 rounds) (10)
R15. 5 sc across the top to close.
Don’t stuff the ears, fo and leave a long tail for sewing.

Arms (white)

Make 2.
R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
R2. (sc,inc)x2 (6)
R3-4. sc around (2 rounds) (6)
Slst, fo and leave a long tail for sewing.

Tail (white)

R1. 5 sc in MR (5)
R2-3. sc around (2 rounds) (5)

Strawberry (pink)

R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
R2. (1sc,inc)x2 (6)
R3. (2sc,inc)x2 (8)
R4. (3sc,inc)x2 (10)
R5. sc around (10)
R6. dec x5 (5)
Stuffing, fo and sew close.

Stem (green)

R1. 4 sc in MR (4)
R2. (sc,ch3,slst into the second loop from the hook, slst in the next ch and slst in the next stitch)x4
Slst into the first stitch fo and leave a long tail for sewing.
Sew the stem onto the top of the strawberry.
Sew some seeds with white yarn onto the strawberry.


Ears: sew the ears opposite to each other on the head between R18-R19.
Arms: sew the arms under the head 4 stitches apart.
Tail: sew the tail wherever you like.
Strawberry: sew the arms and the strawberry together with cotton yarn.
Cheeks: sew cheeks wherever you like.
Strawberry Crochet Bunny Free Amigurumi Pattern (3)



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