Gaspard And Lisa Keychain Free Crochet Pattern

Gaspard And Lisa Keychain Free Crochet Pattern (2)
The two main characters of the famous French painting tale, Gaspard and Lisa, are with us as keychain crochet. You must have seen these two famous characters somewhere in your life. This adorable duo now comes to us as a crochet keychain pattern. Gaspard and Lisa will measure 4.5 cm when completed. Their width will be 9 cm. However, this may vary depending on your crochet hook size and yarn. If you want an easy level crochet keychain, you should definitely try this double character. I am very happy to add a new one to the free crochet keychain patterns. Follow this wonderful fairytale character keychain step by step below for free now. I love you, have a good week.

Gaspard And Lisa Crochet Keychain Pattern

Pattern: knit_joa


This pattern is worked in joined rounds.
R1. sc 6 in a MR (6)
R2. inc x6 (12)
R3. (sc,inc)x6 (18)
R4-10. sc around (18)
R11. (sc,dec)x6 (12) – stuff with fiberfill.
R12. dec x6 (6)
Cut the yarn and fasten off.

Ear, leg

R1. sc 6 in a MR (6)
R2-5. sc around (6)
Finish off and leaving a tail for attaching later.

Leg – body

Start with the legs.
R1. sc 6 in a MR (6)
R2-5. sc around (6) – make two (leg A, leg B)
R6. (leg B) sc 5- (leg A) sc 6 – (leg B) sc 1 (12)
R7-13. sc around (12)
Finish off and leaving a tail for attaching later.


R1. Ch3- ch 1- (the third stitch from the hook) sc1 – sc1
Cut the yarn and attach it to the body.


R1. ch 35
R2. ch 1 – sc 35

Gaspard And Lisa Keychain Free Crochet Pattern (3)



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